Today is the beginning of the rest of my life

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Time: our biggest curse

A friend once told me that time is the one thing you can't have, the one thing that's beyond your control, the mystery that elludes you. Yet, it affects everything in your life and serves as a constant reminder that everything change and nothing ever stays the same.

While those optimistics among us would have us to believe that deep, consuming love is the one thing that time can't change, the stark reality is that love can also be eroded by time. no matter how much we were in love at one point, as time goes by it diminishes.

read a book the other day... a couple was so in love that when the guy died, the girl died with him and remained in the underworld for 500 years waiting for his reincarnation. during the 500 years, she longed and prayed for the day that they will reunite again, and when the day finally came, she realised that what she'd felt for him 500 years ago have been reduced to nothing more than faint, warm memories of the past and has been replaced by the love that exists now between her and someone who has stayed by her side for the last 500 years.

so it's true, when you're deeply in love with someone, you feel as if they're your soulmateand you can't live without them. then one day they leave you and you are filled with sadness, but as time goes on, you find someone else. you might not love him as much in the beginning but 50 60 years down the track, who is to say that your love for him won't overtake the your previous love. and you find that all that's left is just fond memories, a warm feeling but nothing more.

but all that aside, we should all believe that there is that one person out there for all of us, when you meet him you will know and that love will not fade with time, that it will only get stronger and stronger. hold onto that thought and THAT is a better way to be =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

see what those romance novels have done to u pet! haha...

2:05 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

very nicely written! and yes i agree with u in that time changes everything, just look at the divorce rates! but im too much of a ... realist? to think that there is only one person, a soulmate if u will ... but then im a bitter bitter man ... haha

10:12 PM  
Blogger becks said...

woah some insight on love there huh sluttie?? was it some chinese ghost story you were reading? haha *kidding*....but i agree....we can't fight time, it's sad, isn't it. love is sometimes even sadder. sighh

10:44 PM  
Blogger Me said...

di.. its true feelings fleet about, but when you find someone with that extra something hang on.. and it may turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. Feeling complete even when youre old and crinkly and the passion has waned, is priceless. All you got to do is find someone who will fly with you, and never let you fly alone again... *hugs*

12:26 AM  

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