Religion; it defines our faith, our purpose, our journey through life. What does it mean to have a religion, to be a religious person? You follow the teachings of God, and you do what you believe He needs you to do, what He has willed. Throughout history, men, righteous men have justified their actions by referring to them as the “will of God”. They have waged wars, crusaded against heretics, and cleansed what has been soiled, all in the name of God. Is that what God tells us to do? To clean our land of “evil” by bloodshed and eradication? I watched Kingdom of Heaven today, and it has really struck a chord. Our religion may give us the basic foundation of humanity through our actions and inactions, but it is also your conscious that defines you as a great person. Religion is not about speaking Him name in vain and talk about Him in a mechanical way, but about what is in your heart and your head and who you decide to become each day of your life. Just a thought….
Now we hope that none of you will be slain, but we wish you to know that the Kingdom of Heaven will be given as a reward to those who shall be killed in this war.
- Pope Leo IV