Today is the beginning of the rest of my life

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Who is Chloe?

I confess, before 2005 i have never been acquainted with the label Chloe, whose first collection was launched 50 years ago. A symbol of new fashion: modern, feminine, with a parisian left Bank spirit, it's certainly given chic a new name. Floaty soft materials, neutral yet bright colours, sensuous designs and ready-to-wear. The only problem? WAY TO DAMN EXPENSIVE!!! For those of us who are unable to buy the Chloe clothes in masses, fortunately there's a thing called "fake market", a place where you can buy to to your heart's content without leaving you bankrupt (well... actually there are exceptions), what a great way to satisfy your cravings before you hit the real thing... sigh...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hey Mama

BEP, aka Black Eyed Peas, are coming! and yours truly have booked tickets to this what some people would call "bimbotic" group. Since they've playing in July, I've got about a month of anticipation to go.... so what better way to channel this anticipation than to turn it into a brain storming of outfit planning for the gig. No my schmmiggle, BJ hasn't changed koala one bit... still trying to match the activity to the clothes.

Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup 2008

So it starts again. Once every 4 years, i turn into a fanatic fan of football, and an avid fan for the next 3. This year, it's for me closer than ever to home. Working for a german company while the world cup is going on in their very own country, has brought me alot closer to this cup than any other. So, the slogan for 2008 WC is a time to make friends and stop racism. And even during the first few games, i have seen things which perhaps brought a slight twinkle of tears to my eyes.
Argentina and Ivory Coast showed each other what true sportmanship meant by both foregoing the ball-kick that had been the result of a messy tug of war, or when Mexico won against Iran and the Mexican goal keeper was comforted by every single one of his team-mates at the end of the game for not being able to save the first goal but still went on kicking and gave a performance. Or better still when the Mexican team aligned themselves and walked towards and bow to their fellow country-men who have travelled far to cheer on their team, or when the Iranian players thanked their supporters even though they had lost. This display of the uniting of hearts and patriotism shown by everyone at the Cup is what makes football really great and i do believe that words alone are insufficient to describe what one feels when they are watching this brilliant game.

Viva la football

Friday, June 09, 2006


Hives and poisonous mosquito bites... I have no words, I am officially out of things to say apart from "it's getting ridiculous and i can't stand it".

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Funny moments

There are moments in life where you look back on and crack up. I had one of those today. Replay the year 2002, summer night at approximately 9:00pm:

Me: deciding after dinner that i was going to give myself a facial and apply an apricot and oatmeal pack to my face

My father sits in the living room, watching his nightly dose of news and political talkshows. Five minutes later i was done. I slip quietly out of the bathroom and approaches my dad with a thick white paste all over the face except for the eyes and mouth. I stand, next to the couch where he seemed so absorbed and whispers: "dad"

Dad: turns around and literally jumps out of the chair. He exclaims "what the hell did you put all over your face??!! I thought i saw a ghost!!"

This documents my father's first introduction to the world of "facial". And being the vain pot he is, since that moment on, i would get the question now and then "are there any left over for my face?"

Monday, June 05, 2006


I don't know if it's work, the city or the people. All of a sudden i'm filled with tiredness and boredom. Was it because the excitement of moving to a city all by yourself has finally died down, or that you've spent too much time doing the same thing over and over again. I would never say that i'm tired of the people that i've come to known and love but if not that, then what? The past few days have gone by with me cranky, snappy, annoyed and paranoid about everything. Maybe it's not the place or the people, but me. Maybe what is really needed here is time and space to yourself, to unwind and do your own thing, for closeness is a thing you enjoy the most when you have been left without.